When you go to a beach, you will probably see several flags hung along the beach. However, each color and shape of these flags has its own meaning and serves to inform beachgoers about possible dangers or rules on the beach.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the meaning of the different beach flags and explain what each color and shape means.

  • Red Flag: A red flag means that swimming is dangerous due to high waves, strong currents and/or undercurrents. If you see a red flag, be sure to refrain from swimming and stick to the beach instead.

  • Yellow Flag: A yellow flag means that swimming is allowed, but caution is advised. This may be due to adverse weather conditions, heavy swells, or other factors. If you see a yellow flag, you should be extra vigilant and follow the rules given by the beach supervisors.

  • Green Flag: A green flag means it is safe to swim and there are no hazards. If you see a green flag, you can relax in the water.

  • Blue Flag: A blue flag means that the beach is supervised by a professional beach attendant and that there are facilities such as showers, toilets and lifeguards on the beach.

  • Black flag with a white cross: A black flag with a white cross means that poisonous jellyfish have been sighted on the beach and swimming is dangerous.

  • Red and yellow flags together: When red and yellow flags are raised together, it means that there are dangerous currents on the beach and swimming is not allowed.

It is important to note that the meaning of beach flags may vary from beach to beach. If you are unsure what a particular flag means, you should contact the beach attendants or carefully read the rules posted on the beach.

It is also important to pay attention to the flags when you are at the beach to make sure you and your family are safe. By knowing the importance of beach flags, you can look forward to an unworried and safe day at the beach.