Czech Republic Ustecky Kraj Chomutov

Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze

Simple bathing place
In Czech Republic, Ustecky Kraj

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Gastronomy in generalGastronomy in general
Camping siteCamping site
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Here you will also find the latest information on the Water quality.

Water quality overview

We have the following data on the water quality of the bathing place - Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze *.

very goodgoodsufficientdeficient
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
  • 4
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5

*Water quality is based on the annual report of the European Environment Agency EEA.

Water quality Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze 2024

Safe bathing thanks to regular water tests

In the year 2021, the water quality of the bathing place Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze was last checked and submitted to the European Environment Agency for the current report. The current water quality of 2021 is very good suitable for bathing.

A constant water quality is a good sign and gives you another point of orientation point of reference when answering the question of whether or not to swim here. Please also check the latest publications of the regional authorities, as environmental influences such as heavy rain or hot spells can negatively affect the quality in the short term. cyanobacteria, vibrios or cercariae, among others. Swimcheck does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and does not make any recommendation.

In total, more than 18 bathing sites and lakes are registered in Ustecky Kraj registered, which are regularly inspected by local authorities for bathing safety. The results are submitted annually to the European Environment Agency.

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Catering and gastronomy

If you swim a lot and relax in the sun, you will naturally get hungry. In the surroundings of the you will find nearby catering facilities. A quick look at the map above map above will show you suitable entries.

There are restaurants in the vicinity.

  • Rybářská Bašta - Babáček Rostislav 0.44 km
  • Rybářská bašta Vikletice - restaurant a bungalov kemp 0.44 km
  • Restaurace Bouda Margita Keslova 0.63 km

Hotel / Pension Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze

This bathing place is not only suitable for day trips. In the surrounding area you can find a hotel or guesthouse where you can also treat yourself to a longer break from everyday life. Be it a short trip over the weekend or a longer vacation.

  • Kemp Nechranice / Czech Sailing Centre Nechranice 0.13 km
  • Kemp Piranha Nechranice 0.17 km
  • Vujletice Chatky 0.3 km
  • Rozhledna Vikletice 0.32 km
  • Vojenský kemp - vodní nádrž Nechranice 0.34 km
  • Holiday Centrum 0.35 km
  • Rybářská Bašta - Babáček Rostislav 0.44 km
  • Rybářská bašta Vikletice - restaurant a bungalov kemp 0.44 km
  • Vikletice 1.23 km

Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze Campsite / Tent site

There is a campsite/tent site near the bathing area.

  • Kemp Nechranice / Czech Sailing Centre Nechranice 0.13 km
  • Kemp Piranha Nechranice 0.17 km
  • Rybářská bašta Vikletice - restaurant a bungalov kemp 0.44 km
  • Vikletice 1.23 km


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Frequently asked questions

🏕️️Is there a campsite near the bathing Vn Nechranice - Kemp U Hraze?
Yes, if you would like to stay longer you can use the nearby campsite.


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Interesting places in the surroundings

Kemp Nechranice / Czech Sailing Centre Nechranice

0.13 km

Kemp Piranha Nechranice

0.17 km

Vujletice Chatky

0.3 km

Rozhledna Vikletice

0.32 km

Vojenský kemp - vodní nádrž Nechranice

0.34 km

Holiday Centrum

0.35 km

Vodní dílo Nechranice

0.35 km

Country bar na Vyhlídce

0.38 km

Rybářská Bašta - Babáček Rostislav

0.44 km

Rybářská bašta Vikletice - restaurant a bungalov kemp

0.44 km

Rybářský domov - rekreační zařízení

0.57 km


0.59 km

Restaurace Bouda Margita Keslova

0.63 km

Vodní záchranná služba ČČK

0.67 km


1.23 km

TM Windsurfing centrum

1.34 km

pila Vávra

1.44 km

Ludvík Schenk

1.57 km

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