La Dree (closed)
Lätt att bada på plats
på Frankrike, Bassin Parisien
Badestelle dauerhaft geschlossen. Baden verboten.
Har du redan varit här?
Ofta ställda frågor
- 🏕️️finns det en campingplats nära badplatsen La Dree (closed)?
- Ja, om du vill stanna längre kan du använda den närliggande campingen.
You cannot swim in this river, it is forbidden! There is a campsite on the river bank, but no swimming is allowed in the area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Karen, Thank you very much for sharing this with the swimcheck community! You are right, it's not allowed to swim here as it is not an official swimming spot anymore. We have updated the information on this page. Have a nice day Swimcheck team